Cleveland Clinic
Posted April 27th 2017
What is the Minority Men’s Health Center?
The Minority Men’s Health Center of Cleveland Clinic’s Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute, one of the first in the country, addresses the challenges of healthcare disparities among minorities.
Through a multidisciplinary approach of culturally sensitive clinical care and research, the Minority Men’s Health Center takes on some of the nation’s current greatest challenges. In cooperation with researchers at Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner Research Institute, the Center pursues a wide variety of studies such as immunology, molecular genetics, behavioral research and clinical trials of new therapies and diagnostics.
The Minority Men’s Health Center was created in an effort to focus on prostate cancer and renal transplantation in African American men, where there are striking differences in disease and incidents. However, future endeavors are underway to expand the array of treatments and outcomes for a variety of conditions and diseases to treat all minorities.
What does the Minority Men’s Health Center
mean for me?
The multidisciplinary research and clinical care program at the Minority Men’s Health Center enables physicians to more effectively address these health disparities and continue to find answers to some of the nation’s greatest health questions. When you come to the Minority Men’s Health Center at the Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute, you can be sure that you will be receiving the most state of the art care and treatment.
The health fair includes free health seminars and information on topics including prostate cancer, kidney function, hypertension, stroke prevention, smoking cessation, health and nutrition, exercise and wellness, organ donation, sports health, reproductive health, pain management and colorectal cancer.
Thursday, April 27, 2017
5:30a.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Glickman Tower-Cleveland Clinic Main Campus
Free parking is available in the P1 garage on the corner of E.93rd and Euclid Ave.
(Get Driving Directions)
For questions on the Minority Men’s Health Fair, please visit or contact by email.