By Patrice
Posted April 5th 2017
Actress and television personality Gabourey Sidibe is now opening up about her amazing weight-loss journey, the sacrifices that were made and why she loves her body so much more.
Just last year the beloved ‘Empire’ star, 33, took on the opportunity to undergo laparoscopic bariatric surgery, after being forced through a long-term battle with depression, anxiety and bulimia.
Now the television talent, who’d recently dropped her very own memoir, ‘This Is Just My Face: Try Not To Stare,’ is finally opening up about her surgery, why it wasn’t “the easy way out,” and how she’d made the necessary precautionary moves toward a healthier and happier future.
“I just didn’t want to worry,” Sidibe, told People of her decision to undergo surgery after she and her older brother Ahmed, 34, were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. “I truly didn’t want to worry about all the effects that go along with diabetes. I genuinely [would] worry all the time about losing my toes.”
According to the ‘Precious’ star, she’d only taken the suggestion into consideration to go under the knife after more than 10 years of failed attempts to knock off the pounds that she needed to get rid of.
“My surgeon said they’d cut my stomach in half. This would limit my hunger and capacity to eat. My brain chemistry would change and I’d want to eat healthier,” she wrote in her memoir of her May 2016 procedure. “The surgery wasn’t the easy way out,” she continued. “I wasn’t cheating by getting it done. I wouldn’t have been able to lose as much as I’ve lost without it.”
“The surgery wasn’t the easy way out,” she continued. “I wasn’t cheating by getting it done. I wouldn’t have been able to lose as much as I’ve lost without it.”
Sidibe went on to add that she’d never taken the decision lightly and it was definitely something that she had to think about before going through with it.
“It has taken me years to realize that what I was born with is all beautiful,” she writes. “I did not get this surgery to be beautiful. I did it so I can walk around comfortably in heels. I want to do a cartwheel. I want not to be in pain every time I walk up a flight of stairs.”
Now the New York native has revealed that she is still dropping pounds and loving every inch of her body.
“I have a goal right now, and I’m almost there,” she said. “And then once I’ve got it, I’ll set another. But my starting weight and my goal weight, they’re personal. If too many people are involved, I’ll shut down.”
With that being said, she has come to appreciate the curves that God gave her and couldn’t dare parting ways with her beautiful and voluptuous figure.
“I know I’m beautiful in my current face and my current body. What I don’t know about is the next body,” she writes in This Is Just My Face. “I admit it, I hope to God I don’t get skinny. If I could lose enough to just be a little chubby, I’ll be over the moon! Will I still be beautiful then? S—. Probably. My beauty doesn’t come from a mirror. It never will.
“There’s nothing ugly about me. Anyone trying to convince me that I am — and it’s usually me — is wasting her time. I was in a war with my body for a long time. If I’d started treating it better sooner, I wouldn’t have spent so many years hating myself. But I love my body now.”
So, what do you think? Does Sidibe look amazing or what?